
The IUCN-SCC Heron Specialist Group

Welcome to the HeronConservation

The Heron Specialist Group, HeronConservation, is an independent network of biologists, conservationists, and others engaged in research and conservation of herons. HeronConservation is the world's leading body of scientific, practical, and conservation expertise on the biology, status and conservation of the herons (Ardeidae) of the world. It is an interactive global network of heron specialists, conservationists, biologists, and resource managers. We are the Heron Specialist Group of IUCN and are the principal advisor to those organizations and others on the status and conservation of herons.

The Heron Specialist Group devotes itself broadly to the conservation of herons in all its aspects. Its overarching goal is to facilitate planning and on-the-ground conservation. It works especially through facilitating communication and exchange among those interested in herons and their conservation, as well as with a wider audience concerned with multispecies, regional habitat conservation planning and action that affect herons. The Specialist Group achieves its goals by maintaining a membership network and providing that network with communication mechanisms that allow the interchange of information, scientific syntheses, practical guidance, technical methodology, and professional networking. It works specifically through encouraging self-organizing topic-oriented working groups. It also works through strategic representation of heron interests within more-encompassing conservation planning and action programs.

You are invited to participate in our heron conservation discussions through Facebook, or contribute information directly to the Co-chairs or Steering Committee Members. For immediate inquiries, please contact our journal editor, Chip Weseloh () or our co-chair, Clay Green ().

Learn more about some of the Heron Specialist Working Groups.