Heron Bibliography
The Bibliography of the Herons of the World has been assembled over many years, through the contribution of many individuals. HeronConservation particularly thanks Lynda Garrett of Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Library, USA, for her many contributions. This is a historical bibliography through 2011, designed to provide reference for articles not easily available elsewhere.
Please cite the Bibliography as: Kushlan, James, A., Year of Access, Bibliography of the Herons of the World, www.heronconservation.org/conservation-tools-and-resources/heron-bibliography/, Accessed day month year.
Bibliography of the Herons of the World
A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J/ K/ L/ M/ N/ O/ P/ Q/ R/ S/ T/ U/ V/ W/ X/ Y/ Z/
A/ top
Aagaard, C .J. (1930). The common birds of Bangkok. Backhausen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Aaij, W. (1991). [The 'Bittern' Foundation, Kockengen.]. Vogeljaar, 39, 258-61.
Abbas Saleh, M., Saleh, M. A., Fouda, M. M., Saleh, M. A., Abdel Lattif, M. S., and Wilson, B. L. (1988). Inorganic pollution of the man-made lakes of Wadi El-Raiyan and its impact on aquaculture and wildlife of the surrounding Egyptian desert. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 17, 391-403.
Abbassy, M. S., Ibrahim, H. Z., and Abdel-Kader, H. M. (2003). Persistent organochlorine pollutants in the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Manzala, Egypt. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 70 (6), 1158-1164.
Abbott, C. G. (1907). Summer bird life of the Newark, New Jersey, marshes. Auk, 24, 1-11.
Abbott, I. (2000). Impact of agricultural development and changed fire regimes on species composition of the avifauna in the Denmark region of south-west Western Australia, 1889-1999. CALMScience, 3, 279-308.
Abbott, T. (1994). A Goliath Heron at Ndumo. Albatross (Durban), 317, 32-33.
Abbott, W. G. (1966). Little Blue Heron at Santa Barbara, California. Condor, 68, 103.
Abbott, W. L. (1893). Notes on the natural history of Aldabra, Assumption and Glorioso, Indian Ocean. Proceedings U.S. National Museum, 16, 759-764
Abdulali, H. (1964). The birds of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 61, 483-571.
Abdulali, H. (1967). A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bombay Natural History Society. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 64, 139-90.
Abdulali, H. (1967). Unusual method of fishing by Little Egret Egretta Garzetta Linnaeus. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 64, 557.
Abdulali, H. and Alexander, H. G. (1952). Ardeidae with red legs. Ibis, 94, 363.
Abel, C. (2003). Green heron fishes with bait. Underwater Naturalist: Bulletin of American Littoral Society, 26 (3), 42-43.
Able, K. P., Andrle, R. F., Burke, T. W., Paxton, R. O., and Spencer, B. J. (1993). Report of the New York State Avian Records Committee 1991. Kingbird, 43, 18-25.
Abou Dief, F. and El Akkad, M. (1999). Histological and ultrastructural studies on the ileum of the Cattle Egret, Egretta ibis ibis (Ardeidae, Ciconiiformes). Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology, 30, 79-98.
Abramchuk, A. V. (2003). New findings of nest colonies of Great White Egret (Egretta Alba) in the Brest Palessie Area. Subbuteo, 6.
Abramson, I. J. (1960). Cattle Egrets on the Dry Tortugas. Auk, 77, 475.
Abreu, E. (1984). New records of insects and mites for Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 68, 115-116.
Abreu, E. (1984). Notes on the ectoparasites of the Cattle Egret in Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 68, 113-114.
Abu Taira, A. M. (1997). The development of the osteocranium of the Common Egret, Bubulcus ibis (Ardeidae, Ciconiiformes) the membrane bones and the articular. Egyptian Journal of Zoology, 29, 1-35.
Abu Taira, A. M. (1997). The neurocranium of a late embryo of the egret Bubulcus ibis (Ardeidae, Ciconiiformes). Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology, 24, 101-53.
Ac, P. (1990). [Overwintering of Casmerodius albus in Podunajsk.]. Ziva, 38, 185.
Ac, P. and Bohus, M. (1990). [First record of nesting of Egretta garzetta in Podunajsk.]. Ziva, 38, 183-185.
Accinelli, G. and Truffi, G. (1988). Presenza primaverile di airone guardabuoi, Bubulcus ibis, nel Savonese. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 58, 196.
Acosta, M., Mugica, L., and Martinez, P. (1990). Segregación del subnicho trófico en seis especies de ciconiformes cubanos. Ciencias Biológicas, No. 23, 68-81.
Acosta, M., Mugica, L., Torres, O., and Abad, Y. (1990). Alimentación de Bubulcus ibis ibis (Linneo) (Aves: Ardeidae) en la provincia de Pinar del Río. Ciencias Biológicas, No. 23, 82-91.
Acres, A. (1983). Birds I have met. 17. The White-faced Heron. Forest & Bird (Wellington), 14, 32.
Acton, M. (2000). Australasian bittern in Townsville. Bird Observer (Nunawading), 807, 17-18.
Adair, B. (1996). Unwelcomed visitors. Iowa Conservation , 55, 464-9.
Adam, M., Billington, C., and Collins, M. (1990). Tropical forests of Asia and the Pacific Rim. IUCN/WCMC Publication (Map), Gland, Switzerland.
Adamo, M. C., Puglisi, L., and Baldaccini, N. E. (2004). Factors affecting Bittern Botaurus Stellaris distribution in a Mediterranean wetland. Bird Conservation International, 14 (3), 153-164.
Adams, C. E. (1996). The impact of introductions of new fish species on predator-prey relationships in freshwater lakes. In Aquatic predators and their prey. (editors. S. P. R. Greenstreet and M. l. Tasker). pp. 98-105. Fishing News Books, Oxford.
Adams, C. E. and Mitchell, J. (1995). The response of a Grey Heron Ardea cinerea breeding colony to rapid change in prey species. Bird Study, 42, 44-49.
Adams, C. T. (1957). Comparative osteology of the night herons. Condor, 57, 55-60.
Adams, C. E. and Maitland, P. S. (1998). The ruffe population of Loch Lomond, Scotland: Its introduction, population expansion, and interaction with native species. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 24, 249-262.
Adams, D. A. (1956). Cattle Egret taken in North Carolina. Bull. Carolina Bird Club. 20(3), 56.
Adams, W. M. (1985). River control in West Africa. In The Niger and its neighbours. (editor. A. T. Grove). pp. 177-228. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Adcock, M. A. (1990). The history of the heronry at Foulness. Adjutant, 20, 47-48.
Adderley, R. (1998). Aberrant Grey Heron at Daisy Nook Cp. Birds in Greater Manchester, 23.
Ade, B. (1988). Great White Heron, Tawny Eagle and African Skimmer observations from Hwange National Park. Honeyguide, 34, 26.
Aebischer, N. J. (1995). Philopatry and colony fidelity of Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis on the east coast of Britain. Ibis, 137, 111-8.
Afanasyev, V. T. (1998). Materials to biology of the bittern and the marsh harrier in north-east of Ukraine. Avifauna Ukrayiny, 1, 16-23.
Agutu, J. (1997). The Ahero heronries: problems and solutions. Kenya Birds, 5, 95-97.
Ajemian, M. J., Dolan, D., Graham, W. M., and Power, S. P. (2011). First evidence of elasmobranch predation by a waterbird: stingray attack and consumption by the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias). Waterbirds, 34, 117-120.
Al Nasrallah, K., Shihab Al Ahmed, Mahhoud, and Al Fadhel, Abdullah (2001). New records of herons nesting in Kuwait. Phoenix, 18.
Al Safadi, M. M. and Kasparek, M. (1995). Breeding observations on the birds of the Tihamah, Yemen. Zoology In the Middle East, 11, 15-20.
Al-Saghier, O. and Porter, R. F. (1997). The first Black Heron Egretta ardesiaca in Yemen. Sandgrouse, 19, 140-141.
Aladin, N., Eliseyev, D., and Williams, B. (1993). Case study on Aral Sea. IWRB Special Publication, 25, 33-37.
Albaiges, J., Algaba, J., Arambarri, P., Cabrera, F., Baluja, G., Hernandez, L. M., and Castroviejo, J. (1987). Budget of organic and inorganic pollutants in the Donana National Park (Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 63, 13-28.
Albanis, T. A., Hela, D., Papakostas, G., and Goutner, V. (1996). Concentration and bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticide residues in herons and their prey in wetlands of Thermaikos Gulf, Macedonia, Greece. Science of the Total Environment, 182, 11-19.
Albers, P. H. (1991). Oil spills and the environment: A review of chemical fate and biological effects of petroleum. In The Effects of Oil on Wildlife. (editor. J. White). pp. 1-12. Sheridan Press, Hanover, PA.
Albert, A. and Wollesmann, M. (1986). Spectrogram and oscillogram comparative analysis of Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) advertising call. Tiscia (Szeged), 21, 123-127.
Albrecht, G. and Maddock, M. (1985). Avifauna of the Shortland wetlands. Wetlands Australia, 5, 53-68.
Alcazar, G. F. and Cruz, M. F. (1991). Situacion actual de las garzas coloniales en Espana. Quercus, 60, 8-16.
Alcock, J. (1993). Murder most fowl. Living Bird, 12, 20-25.
Alderman, T. (1965). It's a nuisance. Imperial Oil Review, 49, 6-10.
Ales, K. (2003). Great Bittern. Acrocephalus (Ljubljana), 24 (117).
Alessandria, G., Carpegna, F., and Della Toffola M (1991). L'airone guardabuoi, Bubulcus ibis, nidifica in Piemonte. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 61, 119-123.
Alessandria, G., Carpegna, F., and Della Toffola, M. (2003). Vocalizations and courtship displays of the Bittern Botaurus stellaris. Bird Study, 50 (2), 182-184.
Alessandria, G., Della Toffola M, and Carpegna, F. (1992). Nuovo sito di riproduzione di tarabuso, Botaurus stellaris, e di airone rosso, Ardea purpurea, in Piemonte. (Aves, Ardeidae). Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale, 13, 97-102.
Alexander, G. R. (1977). Food of vertebrate predators on trout waters in North Central Lower Michigan. Michigan Academy, 10, 181-195.
Alexander, M. (1983). Systematic list 1983. Skomer and Skokholm Bulletin, No. 6 , 20-27.
Alexander, W. B. (1952). The index of heron population, I95I. British Birds 45, 64-67.
Alfaro, M. and Russi, D. (1989). Estimacion del exito de anidamiento de la Garza Morena Egretta tricolor ruficollis (Gosse, 1847) en la Laguna de San Lorenzo, Cartagena (Colombia). Boletin Ecotropica, No. 19, 3-25.
Alfiya, H. and Be'er, R. (1994). The Israel Electric Cooperation (IEC) - a unique example of cooperation between progress and nature protection. Torgos, 24, 11-3, 90.
Ali, S. (1969). Birds of Kerala (2nd ed. of the Birds of Travancore & Cochin). O.U.P., Madras
Ali, S. and Ripley, S. D. (1968). Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan, Vol. 1. Oxford University Press, London, United Kingdom.
Ali, S. and Vijayan, V. S. (1986). Keoladeo National Park Ecological Study. Summary report 1980-85. Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay, India.
Ali, S. and Ripley, S. D. (1968). Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan, vol. 1. OUP, Bombay.
Alieri, R., Canova, L., and Fasola, M. (1988). Presenze di aironi guardabuoi nelle garzaie dell'Italia settentrionale. Avocetta, 12, 1191-20.
Alieri, R., Gariboldi, A., and Fasola, M. (1988). [Breeding habitat requirements of herons in the central Po Valley]. Naturalista Siciliano, 12(Suppl.), 29-32.
Alkhovsky, S. V., Lvov, D. N., Samokhvalov, E. I., Prilipov, A. G., Lvov, D. K., Aristova, V. A., Gromashevsky, V. L., Dzharkenov, A. F., Kovtunov, A. I., Deryabin, P. G., Odolevsky, E. I., and Ibragimov, P. M. (2003). Examinations of birds in the Volga Delta (Astrakhan Region, 2001) for Western Nile Fever Virus by using the method of reverse transcription: Polymerase chain reaction. Voprosy Virusologii, 48 (1), 14-17.
Allan, D. G. and Davies, G. B. (1999). The birds (Aves) of the middle Komati River valley, Swaziland. Durban Museum Novitates, 24, 22-42.
Allan, D. G., Sinclair, J. C., and Rossouw, J. (1999). The waterbirds (Aves) of Durban Bay: Current status and historical trends. Durban Museum Novitates, 24, 1-21.
Allan, D. (1983). Goliath heron (r 56) in the Transvaal. Witwatersrand Bird Club News, 120, 17-18.
Allen, E. R. (1950). Ward's Great Blue Heron and the alligator. Florida Naturalist, 23, 38-9.
Allen, H. (1991). The Great Blue Heron. Northword, Minocqua, Wisconsin.
Allen, J. (2005). Ospreys killing a Grey Heron. Scottish Birds, 25.
Allen, J. A. (1893_. On a collection of birds from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil, made by Mr. Herbert H. Smith. Pt. Ill, Pipridae to Rheidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 5, 107-108.
Allen, R. P. (1936). With the wardens: A favorable report on the Great White Heron, and other news of sanctuary avtivities. Bird Lore, 38, 458-459.
Allen, R. P. (1937). Black-crowned Night Heron colonies on Long Island. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York 49, 43-51.
Allen, R. P. (1938). Black-crowned Night Heron Colonies on Long Island. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New York, 43, 51.
Allen, R. P. (1938). Condition of the Great White Heron and Spoonbill; progress and obstacles in other fields. Bird Lore, 40,125-129.
Allen, R. P. (1948). Speaking of Great White Herons. Audubon Magazine, 50, 196-197.
Allen, R. P. (1954). The Reddish Egret. Audubon Magazine, 56, 252-255.
Allen, R. P. (1955). The Reddish Egret (part II). Audubon Magazine, 57, 24-27.
Allen, R. P. and Mangels, F. P. (1940). Studies of the nesting behavior of the Black-crowned Night Heron. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York 50-55, 1-28.
Allen, T., Finkbeiner, S. L., and Johnson, D. H. (2004). Comparison of Detection Rates of Breeding Marsh Birds in Passive and Playback Surveys at Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge, South Dakota. Waterbirds, 27 (3), 277-281.
Allison, R. I. (1992). Cattle Egrets in Cambridgeshire - a new county record. Cambridgeshire Bird Report, 66, 65.
Allsopp, E. and Allsopp, K. (1965). Night herons swimming. British Birds, 58, 297.
Allport, A. M. and Carroll, D. (1989). Little Bitterns breeding in South Yorkshire. British Birds, 82, 442-446.
Allsop, B., Thomson, P., and Thomson, M. (1991). Great white egret in Namaqualand. Promerops, No. 199, 10.
Allsopp, E. and Allsopp, K. (1965). Night Herons swimming. British Birds, 58, 297.
Almond, P. (1992). Bromham heronry 1992. Bedfordshire Naturalist, 47, 73-77.
Alonso Lopez J A (1983). Propuesta de proteccion para la pajarera de garcillas bueyaras del Tajo de Barbate (Cadiz). Alytes (Merida), 1, 139-150.
Alonzo, P. S. (1992). The bird-catchers of Dalton Pass. Bulletin of the Oriental Bird Club, No. 15, 33-36.
Alström, P. and Colston, P. (1991). A field guide to the rare birds of Britain and Europe. HarperCollins, New York, USA.
Altini, G. (1942). L'Attivitfi dell' Osservatorio Ornitologico della Mesola nel quinquennio 1936-1940. Ric. Zool. Appl. Caccia 18.
Aluigi, A., Galli, Loris, and Spano, Silvio (2003). Nuovi dati sulla nidificazione dell'Airone cenerino Ardea cinerea, in Valle Stura (Genova). Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 73 (1), 3-8.
Alvarado, G. (1995). Nueva distribucion de la especie Agamia agami en Costa Rica. Brenesia, 43-44, 93-94.
Alvarado, G. (in prep.). Observations on the breeding behavior of the Chestnut-bellied Heron (Agamia agami).
Alvarado, G. M. (1986). Estudio de la amidacion del martinete coronegro o chocuaco Nycticorax nycticorax (Ardeidae) en Isla Pajaros, Rio Tempisque, Costa Rica. Thesis, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.
Alvarado Q , G. M. (1998). Extension del ambito reproductivo del avetorrillo pantanero, Ixobrychus exilis en Costa Rica. Brenesia, 49-50, 109-110.
Alvarado Quesada, G. M. (1992). Comportmento reproductivo in tres especies de garzas: Cochlearius conchlearius (Linnaeus), Agamia agami (Gmelin), y Butorides striatus (Linnaeus) (Ardeidae) en Westfalia-Limon, Costa Rica, 1988-1989. MS Thesis, Ciudad Universirtaria "Rodrigo Facio" , Costa Rica. In Spanish.
Alvarez, F., Braza, F., and Azcarate, T. (1984). Distancia de huida en aves. Donana Acta Vertebrata, 11, 125-30.
Alvarez Usategui C and et al (1989). Ardea herodias. Garcilla, 76, 33.
Amadon, D. (1942). Birds collected during the Whitney South Sea Expedition. XLIX. Notes on some non-passerine genera, I. American Museum Novitates, 1175, 1-11.
Amadon, D. (1951). Notes on the Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes (Swinhoe). Philippean Journal of Science, 80, 53-4
Amadon, D. (1953). Avian systematics and evolution in the Gulf of Guinea. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 100, 393-452.
Amadon, D. and Woolfenden, G. (1952). Notes on the Mathews' collection of Australian birds. The order Ciconiiformes. American Museum Novitates No. 1564.
Amat, J. A. and Aguilera, E. (1989). Some behavioural responses of Little Egret and Black-tailed Godwit to reduce prey losses from kleptoparasites. Ornis Scandinavica, 20, 234-236.
Amat, J. A. and Aguilera, E. (1990). Tactics of Black-headed Gulls robbing egrets and waders. Animal Behaviour, 39, 70-77.
Amato, S., Semenzato, M., Borgoni, N., Richard, J., and Tiloca, G. (1994). Status attuale delle popolazioni di ardeidi nidificanti nella Laguna di Venezia (Italia N-E). Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 63, 200-204.
Amer, O. H. and Negm Eldin M M (1993). Observation on two filariid microfilariae from two Egyptian wild birds. Veterinary Medical Journal Giza, 41, 109-113.
American Ornithologists' Union. (1983). Checklist of North American birds. Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
American Ornithologists' Union. (1998). Check-list of North American birds. American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C.
Amies, P. (1990). Grey Herons hunting by artificial light. British Birds, 83, 425.
Amin, O. M. and Heckmann, R. A. (1991). Description and host relationships of Polymorphus spindlatus, new species (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from the heron Nycticorax nycticorax in Peru. Journal of Parasitology, 77, 201-205.
Amos, E. J. R. (1991). The birds of Bermuda. Concrake, Warwick, Bermuda.
Andelt, W. F. and Hopper, S. N. (1996). Effectiveness of alarm-distress calls for frightening herons from a fish rearing facility. Progressive Fish-Culturist, 58, 258-262.
Andelt, W. F. and Hopper, S. N. (1996). Effectiveness of alarm-distress calls for frightening herons from a fish rearing facility. Progressive Fish-Culturist, 58, 258-262.
Andelt, W. F., Woolley, T. P., and Hopper, S. N. (1997). Effectiveness of barriers, pyrotechnics, flashing lights, and Scarey Man® for deterring heron predation on fish. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 25, 686-694.
Andersen, L. N. (1989). [Bitterns in winter.]. Fugle, 9, 26-27.
Anderson, D. W. and Hickey, J. J. (1972). Eggshell changes in certain North American birds. In Proceedings of the XVth International Ornithological Congress. (editor. K. H. Voous). pp. 514-40. E.J. Brill, Leiden, Netherlands.
Anderson, J. T. and Smith, L. M. (1999). Carrying capacity and diel use of managed playa wetlands by nonbreeding waterbirds. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 27, 281-291.
Anderson, M. (1976). Predation and kleptoparasitism by skuas in a Shetland seabird colony. Ibis 118, 208-217.
Anderson, J. T., Tacha, T. C., Muehl, G. T., and Lobpries, D. (1996). Wetland use by waterbirds that winter in coastal Texas. U S National Biological Service Information And Technology Report 8.
Anderson, S. H. and Ogden, John (2003). The bird community of Kaitoke Wetland, Great Barrier Island. Notornis, 50 (Part 4), 201-209.
Andrews, H. E. (1948). Behaviour of heron with large fish. British Birds, 41, 24.
Ando, Y. (1993). [Nest site selection of six heron species in a breeding colony.]. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 41, 29-38.
Andreotti, A. and Bozzano, M. (1995). The Grey Heron in central Liguria. Avocetta, 19, 226-228.
Andreucci, A., Canestri Trotti G, Fioravanti, M. L., Giani, G., Nobile, L., Restani, R., and Rizzoli, M. (1994). Indagine sulla diffusione di Clinostomum complanatum (Trematoda: Digenea) nella ittiofauna della provincia di Bologna. Biologia Oggi, 8, 27-32.
Andrew, D. G. (2004). Medieval little egrets and others. British Birds, 97 (1), 44-45.
Andrew, P. (1992). The birds of Indonesia: a checklist (Peters' sequence). Indonesian Ornithological Society, Jakarta
Andrews, I. J., Brown, A., Gordon, P. R., and Leven, M. R. (1988). Systematic list. Lothian Bird Report, 1987, 9-62.
Andrews, M. I. and Mathew, T. K. (1997). Some observations on the feeding behaviour of the Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis coromandus (Boddaert) and the Pond Heron Ardeola grayii grayii (Sykes). Pavo, 35, 67-73.
Andrews, T. (1993). The first record of the Chinese Egret on Java. Kukila, 6, 133.
Andrle, R. F. and Carroll, J. R., editors. (1988). The atlas of breeding birds in New York State. Cornell University Press, Ithaca & London
Angehr, G. and Kushlan, J. A. (2007). Seabirds and colonial wading bird nesting in the Gulf of Panama. Waterbirds 30, 335-357.
Angelini, J., Bastianelli, A., Belfiori, D., and Franconi, L. (2001). [The Night Heron Nycticorax Nycticorax, the Little Egret Egretta Garzetta and the Grey Heron Ardea Cinerea in Ripabianca Wwf Reserve – Jesi, and First Nesting of the Grey Heron in Marches.]. Avocetta, 25 (1).
Angle, T. G. (1992). La scomparsa degli ambienti naturali. In Habitat, guida alla gestione degli ambienti naturali. pp. 11-17. WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and CFS (Corpo Forestale del Stato), Rome, Italy.
Aniskowicz, B. T. (1981). Behavior of a male Least Bittern incubating after loss of mate. Wilson Bulletin, 93, 397-400.
Anjos, L. D. (1990). [Avian distribution in an araucaria forest of Curitiba City (South Brazil).]. Acta Biologica Paranaense, 19, 51-64.
Anonymous (1936). Florida hurricane kills nearly half of Great White Herons. Florida Naturalist, 9, 42.
Anonymous (1965). The American Egret, Casmerodius albus. Guyana Museum and Zoo, Georgetown Journal, 40, 11.
Anonymous (1983). Nocturnal birds of southern Africa. Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax. African Wildlife, 37(4), inside back cover.
Anonymous (1983). Nocturnal birds of southern Africa. Dwarf Bittern (or Rail Heron) Ixobrychus sturmii. African Wildlife, 37 , inside back cover.
Anonymous (1983). Nocturnal birds of southern Africa. Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus. African Wildlife, 37(3), inside back cover.
Anonymous (1983). [Unusual observations in the Zwin.]. Kleindier En Vogel-Magazine, 29, 22.
Anonymous (1983). Vogel-Beringung Wiederfunde. Mitteilungen der Ornithologischen Arbeitsgruppe SWA (Sued West Afrika) Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, 19, 4-5.
Anonymous (1983). [Wild stork in the Zwin.]. Kleindier En Vogel-Magazine, 29, 22.
Anonymous (1984). Bristling with bitterns Ixobrychus inundation. RAOU (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union) Newsletter, No. 59, 8.
Anonymous (1984). Le Héron cendré et la pêche. In Les cahiers de la pêche 42. Office Fédéral de la protection de l'environnement, Berne, Suisse.
Anonymous (1984). The Simpson Estate heronry. Newsletter for Birdwatchers, 24, 8-9.
Anonymous (1985). The Marine Observers' log - April, May, June. Birds. Marine Observer, 55, 67-71.
Anonymous (1986). Tagged egret sightings. Bird Observer, No. 656, 87-88.
Anonymous (1986). Third record of western reef heron (Egretta gularis) in Greece. Elliniki Ornithologiki Etairia Euntaktes, No. 3, 9, 19.
Anonymous (1987). Aus dem Institut fur Vogelkunde: Brutbestand des Graureihers in Bayern 1986. Vogelschutz, 2, 11.
Anonymous (1987). Recent news - mainly September to November. Devon Birds, 40, 92.
Anonymous (1987). Ringing recoveries. Stilt, No. 11, 50.
Anonymous (1988). Classified notes. Herefordshire Ornithological Club Annual Report, 4, 382-406.
Anonymous (1988). Indonesian programme: study of Segara Anakan, central Java. Stilt, No. 13, 36.
Anonymous (1988). Introduction to the systematic list. Shropshire Bird Report, 29, 10-14.
Anonymous (1988). Reiherproblem in Salzburg wird durch Umweltanwaltschaft bei Lokalaugenschein in Fuschl analysiert. Oesterreichs Fischerei, 41, 239-240.
Anonymous (1988). Rutland Water report. Leicestershire and Rutland Trust for Nature Conservation Newsletter, 1988, 5.
Anonymous (1989). Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) invasion, autumn 1986: a bird's distress and a twitcher's tick. Falkland Islands Birding News, 1, 14-5.
Anonymous (1989). Cattle Egret counts. RAOU (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union) Newsletter, No. 83, 8.
Anonymous (1989). Cattle Egrets are widespread and abundant. RAOU (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union) Newsletter, No. 79, 3.
Anonymous (1989). Egretta garzetta. Buvar, 44, 24-25.
Anonymous (1989). Marine Observers log - birds. Marine Observer, 59, 16-8.
Anonymous (1989). Recent news - April to September. Devon Birds, 42, 56.
Anonymous (1989). Significant sightings. Falkland Islands Birding News, 1, 8-10.
Anonymous (1990). The Marine Observers' log - July, August, September. Birds. Marine Observer, 60, 117-118.
Anonymous (1991). Censo nacional de aves 1991 (SAO). Boletin Sao, 2, 31-39.
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